Living in New England, you’re aware of how treacherous road conditions can be. By this, we don’t just mean the driving conditions during a storm but also the road condition afterward. Your tires take a beating – there is no way around this. Whether it’s driving on salty roads, hitting potholes that come out of nowhere, or dealing with the scorching hot pavement, MA car repair is often centered around the wear and tear of your tires.

As a driver, you are probably also aware of the sometimes pricey cost associated with tire repair and replacement. While repair expenses are generally cheaper than replacement, such services can be an unforeseen event that many people don’t have in their budget. However, with minimal time and effort, you can prolong the life of your tires.

By understanding things like your tire pressure and tread, you can prevent costly endeavors. For example, knowing the manufacturer’s recommendation, checking, and maintaining the air pressure provides insight into your tire’s condition. Slow leaks happen, often without knowing. By catching the problem sooner rather than later, you can potentially avoid the need for replacement by obtaining the required repairs. The second task that should be on your list is monitoring your tread.


The tire’s tread refers to the depth of the rubber on the outer edge of your tire compared to the deepest inner layer. As you probably know, the tread is the part of the tire that comes in contact with the road. Thus, as the tread wears, traction becomes less effective. Without the proper amount of traction, handling and responsiveness of the vehicle becomes more difficult in many situations – like driving in the snow and rain.


One of the simplest ways to determine the depth of your tread is with the penny test.

Taking a penny, place it into the tread of your tire with Lincoln’s head facing down. If you are unable to see Lincoln’s head when the penny is inserted, your tires are in good shape! However, if his forehead is exposed, it may be time to have your tires checked out by a professional. Be sure to conduct this test in several spots as uneven wear and tear is common.


While the penny test has been around for some time, it is meant more as a heads-up (no pun intended) than an accurate reading of your tires. If you notice unusual handling, or believe your tires may need a little TLC, it’s always best to get the opinion of a professional.

At Ray’s Auto Service, we’ve been helping people in the Haverhill area for decades. Whether your tires need repair or replacement, or other services, we are the number on MA car repair shop. With honest recommendations and affordable pricing, it’s no wonder we’re the local go-to auto shop!

To schedule your appointment with Ray’s, contact the shop by calling (978) 372-9611.

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