Low Brake Fluid? Here Are the Warning Signs.

Are you having problems with your brakes? The last thing you want is brakes that wear out on the road. If you need new brakes in MA, stop by Ray’s Auto Service. We can help you diagnose what’s wrong with your brakes so you can drive safely this winter, including checking your brake fluid. Without the proper level of brake fluid, your vehicle cannot safely stop.


brakes ma

Did You Know?

Did you know that your brake fluid can become contaminated and less effective over time? Brake fluid is hygroscopic, so it absorbs water inside the braking system. As the water content increases, the fluid’s boiling point decreases, leading to poor braking performance over time. 


Is it time for new brakes in MA? Here are the signs you need to replace the brake fluid.


For most problems with the brake fluid, flushing the brake lines is the solution. If you’re driving and notice any of the following symptoms, it’s time to give Ray’s Auto Service a call to take a look at your brakes. Putting off any auto repairs endangers you and other drivers on the road, especially braking issues.


Dashboard Warning Light

Modern vehicles have an array of dashboard warning lights to tell you when there’s something wrong with your car. When the brake warning light comes on, it’s likely because you have low brake fluid.


Low or Dirty Fluid

If you notice dirty, dark-looking brake fluid, you should get your car repaired quickly. Additionally, extremely low brake fluid can indicate a leak somewhere in your brake system.


Mushy Brake Pedal

When you depress the brake pedal, it should feel firm under your foot. However, if the brake pedal feels mushy or spongy when you step on it, that’s likely an indicator of an issue with the brake fluid. Most often, a mushy brake pedal is due to air in the brake lines.


Fix Your Brakes in MA at Ray’s Auto Service

At Ray’s Auto Service, we are proud to supply our customers with quality brakes in MA. If you’re having issues with your brake fluid level, don’t hesitate to call us at 978-372-961 to make an appointment.

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Get the Most Out of Your Brakes in MA This Winter

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